Saturday, January 8, 2011

A 2006 Letter to Mrs. Bush

[In 2006, Laura Bush stated on television that the news was biased toward bad Iraq news, that made George W. Bush look bad.  When I heard this, I wrote an open letter, in a now defunct Lubbock Avalanche-Journal discussion forum.  Here's the letter, which I came across today in a pile of paper I was sorting through.]

Mrs. George W. Bush
C/O The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500-0002

Re:              Overlooked Good News

Dear Miss Laura:

I watched with interest your TV interview in which you remarked that a big reason for the unpopularity of the President is the one-sided news coverage of the situation in Iraq.  All we get is the bad news, and none of the good.

You may be right.  But I posted a request right here in the true-red heart of Republicanism – Lubbock, Texas, just a skip and a jump from your old home town – for good news about Iraq.  And no one would tell me any!

I do know that many Iraqis voted in the election.  It was an inspiring image, as you pointed out.

And most of those Iraqis who voted are still alive, so far, and some of the candidates they voted for are too – certainly those who fled the country.  I guess that’s good news. 

And the British have got the water running and the streetlights on in Basra a few months ago.  That’s good news.  (A tough job;  it took three years!)

But I can’t find any more good news!

I wonder, would it be possible – and I know this is a great deal to ask – would it be possible for you to journey to Iraq with cameramen to investigate and report on those good news stories that we are overlooking?  Do you think Mr. Bush would have any objections?

You would look great in the khaki uniform of a correspondent, and who knows?  It could be the start of an exciting new career in journalism.  But do be careful!

Faithfully yours,

Teshaw a/k/a/ El Alacran

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