Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dial 9-11 for Hypocrisy

What follows are my posts more or less in response to a thread started about the 9/11 monument in Israel.  

Let me say by preamble that the wallowing in national grief over the WTC is misplaced and turns my stomach.  Knowing that, you are prepared to continue reading or not.   9-11, get the fuck over it.   It was only a warm-up for the tragedies to follow.

Where are the memorials for those innocent Iraqis who have died since 2003? For innocent Afghans? Way, way over 3,000 in the case of Iraq.

One might also inquire about memorials to innocent Palestinians killed by Israelis.
Mohammar Qadaffi, Hosni Mubarek, and even Saddam Hussein were American allies who were betrayed and dumped by us because a friendly or hands-off relationship with them became too embarassing and politically incorrect.

Saddam was Reagan's counterweight in the Middle East. Then 60 Minutes ran pieces about the mass killing in the Iran-Iraq war, and the use of poison gas and acquisition of weapons of mass destruction. THEN Saddam became a non-person to the Bush One administration. Too dirty, too messy to be involved with.

Before invading Kuwait, Saddam sent a communique through the State Dept to the Bush administration, asking in effect if the U.S. had any objections to his pressing his claim against Kuwait, said claim being the rationale for invading.

I first heard this in a Reader's Digest article in the early 1990s. Now, thanks to Wikileaks, we know more about it. See for example Ron Paul who claims Bush tricked Saddam into invading: My own interpretation was that the U.S. did not reply, thereby giving tacit permission for Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

The time to draw a 'line in the sand' of course was before Saddam invaded, not after, when he could not back down without a loss of face and the respect of his enemies. At the very least, George Herbert Bush totally blew it. At the worst, well, you have Ron Paul's opinion.

Back to casualties. How many Iraqis have been killed since 2003? Iraq Body Count is a conservative count. They have debunked claims of 490,000 and a million civilian casualties. THEIR count is 115,000 civilians dead from military activity by the USA and allies. More deaths to be found in the action reports released by Wilkleaks. This does NOT include insurgents killed, it does NOT include Iraqi soldiers killed. Does anyone here think we fought bloody battles with the Republican Guard and they took only a few thousand killed? So THE TOTAL or Iraqis killed, on all sides and civilians on no side, is probably a couple of hundred thousand.

And we are making such a fuss about 3,000 killed on 9-11. Hell, we have 30,000 killed in auto accidents each year, ten thou plus killed in suicides, accidents and homicides from firearm, 40,000 killed annually from medical malpractice. Hell, we lose a lot more than 3,000 Americans every year because of a freekin lack of medical care!

Not to bring up for a millisecond all those dying in the Sudan, in Somalia, in central America, in a hundred places around the globe that few of us can find on our maps, whose deaths mean nothing in comparison to a handful of over-fed, well-heeled paperpushers who died at the WTC.

And these g.d. propagandists want to build a memorial to those killed on 9-11 and hold prayers and church services and damn those Americans and non-Americans whose preventable deaths they do not want to bother to try to prevent. As we see in that monument in Israel, and in our own 9-11 memorials and services, this is nothing but propaganda, manipulation of popular opinion for political purposes.
I'm sorry about that, _______.  Sorry about your leaving.  Think I'll do the same as soon as I post an attack on LISD's new $30,000 parking spaces that I've been planning for a month.  Then, maybe you will come back.

You don't like my comments because I am at base a moralist, and I don't hesitate to do the politically incorrect thing of accusing you or the nation you support of being wrong or hypocritical.   You want to blissfully ignore the numbers and the facts and to pretend that you, and Israel and the United States and your religion, have an hereditary exclusive on being right and just. 

I agree that it should have been Saudi Arabia that put up a 9-11 monument;  considering the relationship between our nations and the role of S.A. in 9/11, much of which has not been released to the public by the 9/11 Commission and will not be for another 12 years, the Saudis really should have built such a monument as a conciliatory gesture.  But since the House of Saud is sitting atop a keg of gunpowder -- earlier this year it looked like they would be among the casualties of the Arab Spring -- it is somewhat understandable that they did not tweak the ears of the lion that will one day overthrow and execute them. 

Why did Israel build a 9/11 monument?    To show that they and we have a common enemy-- Arab fundamentalism.  Never mind that 99.99% of Muslims are not terrorists, they want to express common cause with the United States in this ongoing battle against Islam.   They also want U.S. aid to continue.   They want America off their backs in how they treat the Arabs and Palestinians among them.    I don't really consider those motivations to be all that admirable, though probably you do.

The terrorism happening in Israel cuts both ways; that is all that I have said and all I am saying;  Israelis are both victims and victimizers.   A  missile is launched from a neighborhood in Nablus; there is a retributive attack on that part of Nablus.  And so it goes in an endless cycle of vengeance.  How do you break that cycle?

I wonder -- you ever watch those WWII movies where the occupying Germans execute innnocent citizens because of something the resistance has done?    That actually happened, btw.  In Holland for example the townspeople of Nijmegen or Arnem were told that if the culprits in the Dutch resistance did not give themselves up, that 10 or a dozen men and women would be selected at random and executed for what the resistance had done.    Think about that.  And consider this:

From, quote:
[i]"October 23, 1983 - A suicide car bomb attack against the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut kills 241 servicemen. A simultaneous attack on a French base kills 58 paratroopers.
"In response, President Ronald Reagan ordered the battleship USS New Jersey, stationed off the coast of Lebanon, to shell the hills near Beirut." [/i]

Reagan asked in a press conference afterward  "Ever hear the sound a 16" shell makes?"  Reagan like John Wayne was an expert on war and cannon because he had been in the movies.

So if the terrorists who killed 241 Marines (because their commander was stupid enough to biillet them in one dense, vulnerable pile, but that's another part of the story) were thought to be from the Druze villages in the mountains, then we shelled the villages.    Obviously it would be the merest chance that a perpetrator was killed by a shell.  It was enough that someone in the same village, the same neighborhood, the same house, was killed. 

Get my point?   That we do the same things we accused the Germans of doing in WWII occupied areas, and tried them for, by the way, as war criminals.    We and the Israelis are higher tech and we often kill from afar when we exact retribution for a terrorist attack.

Wonder what Lebanese or Palestinian families think about the bombs from above when they come.   Which brings up the inevitable question, "Who is the terrorist, and who is seeking revenge for terrorism?"  Are the boundaries always clear?

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