I like Herman Cain. He's telling some hometruths, that you don't get anywhere with a chip on your shoulder, that however strong prejudice is, YOU are more responsible for what happens to you than anybody else. Similar message to that of Bill Cosby, btw.
Huntsman seems lost, left behind. Is he still in the race, theoretically speaking?
Cain, Huntsman, and Paul can really teach us something. And between them, they can articulate the various prospective futures of the Republican Party. I wish that win lose or draw they would take the debates on the road to educate Americans of both parties, to make us THINK, as Phil Donohue liked to say. Forget the others, forget the election; Cain, Huntsman and Paul are the ones to listen to, even if you don't plan to vote for them. *
Changing gears. I saw this --
http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/10/07/could-unmarried-woman-sink-obama/ -- on Google News links. Always hungry for tabloid fodder I clicked on the link. "Aha!, I thought, Obama's got a girl friend." Then I found out the headline was misleading; they weren't talking about one embarassing mistress, they were talking about Obama's appeal to single women, who voted for Obama overwhelmingly in 2008.
Read that article. Do you notice something? Something not mentioned? The A-word maybe?
That article fails to mention a component of Obama's and the Democrat's appeal to single women voters. Abortion. When GOP candidates start hitting on abortion, single women get nervous. THEY don't want some old fart, male, bald, overweight,** calling the shots on their reproductive rights. And hence they avoid certain Republicans like the plague.
Abortion in my opinion is a non-issue, at least at the federal level, or ought to be.
Did you notice something else? How much has the A-word been pushed around in the GOP "debates"? How much has Romney uttered the A-word? Can you guess why?
*Leading candidates you do not want to listen to. They say what gets them votes and avoid what costs them votes. It's the ones who trail in the polls who can afford to tell the truth, to utter the unpopular.
** Old, fat, bald, wanting power over a woman's reproduction? Like Congressman Neugebauer, maybe?