Where you totally misscharacterize the facts, GOPer, is that the demonstrators are not Democrats per se; some are Democrats, some are independents, some have never been involved before, but will be now, in 2012! There may even be a Tea Party Republican or two.
They are demonstrating against Obama as much as against the financial-industry-friendly Republicans, and those politicians who take campaign donations/bribes from financial wheeler-dealer firms and from big corps. Obama, you ought to be aware, does that too. Obama likes to suck up to the Wall Street mob.
Whereas the Tea Party Republicans are anal-retentives out to laager their wagons and keep other folks from grabbing their stash or disturbing their peace and quiet in their regimented Republican ghetto neighborhoods, the Occupy Wall Street crowd are more representative of the American people as a whole-- disparate in income and ethnicity, including some out of work or having trouble with finances or concerned about those who are.
The political parties would do well to address the demonstrators' concerns. I don't know if this movement will fade out in a week or continue in some form or other. But you ignore or ridicule these demonstrators at your peril.
Which reminds me of what JS wrote above. JS sounds a lot like solid well-off Republicans 40+ years ago, talking about those demonstrating against the Vietnam War. Surprise! Turned out the protesters and draft dodgers were right! The Vietnam War was a matter of a corrupt, lying government and military here trying to prop up a corrupt, lying series of governments in South Vietnam, all to the short term profit of certain industries here in the states.
You may not like the hygiene of the messengers, but you damn well better pay attention to the message.
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