Lyrics Copyright 2011 by Inmate #24602/ El Alacran/Gangsta Pale
The Bitches, They Bring a Brother Down
All the world hate a successful man.
And the bitches try to bring a brother down.
Yo' mama try to bring you up nice an' girly,
All the bitches wanna bring a brother down.
Yo' mama wan' to make you a mama's boy,
All them bitches need to bring a brother down.
Teacher she tell you no, no, no you can't,
Everywhere bitches to bring a brother down.
Yo' girl forget to take a pill, give you bad news,
All the bitches have to bring a brother down.
Yo' wife want to keep you tied down safe,
All the bitches work to keep a brother down.
Yo' wife she want you under her thumb,
You know the bitches they want a brother down.
You work hard for hard money, earn yo' pay,
You know the bitches try to bring a brother down.
Ever'body got a hand out, want a piece of the pie,
All the damn bitches keep a brother down.
You reach for the sky, hands pull you back,
Ever' damn bitch wanna drag a brother down.
Am I saying this? No. Is Cain? Sort of. Cain's patronizing atttude toward women is not a good one. His attitude makes me think he did what he was accused of -- sexually harassing women in the workplace. Do I think all these "troubled" women Cain "tried to help" have it in for him and are making false accusations? No.
This is not the situation with Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton had a problem, and one that impacted his presidency. But as far as we know he did not harass women at work or assault them. And he didn't put them down in an offensive patronizing way.
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